For Best Results

  1. Allow candle to melt evenly across the diameter of the candle for each use, especially first time burning. Burning for less than 2 hours at a time may result in “tunneling” and uneven burn.

  2. Trim wick to 1/4” with each and every use.

  3. For tapers and pillars, always burn on a heat resistant plate to catch dripping wax. Never burn directly on or near flammable items such as a table cloth or napkin.

  4. Keep candles clear of any wick trimmings or used matches and also away from curtains or flammable materials.

  5. NEVER burn a candle near drafts. It is unsafe and will also cause uneven melting and dripping in taper and pillar candles.

  6. Do not burn for more than 4 hours at a time and stop use when there is 1/4” of wax left.

  7. Do not touch the outside of a container candle when in use. The ceramic will be VERY HOT during and shortly after candle is burned.

  8. NEVER burn a candle unattended. Always ensure it is in sight when being used and extinguished if leaving the room.